Main Streets on Halsey

Welcome to the project website for the Main Streets on Halsey Cross Section and Street Design Plan! This website provides the latest news on the project as well as information about upcoming meetings and other events. This website also contains draft and final versions of tech memos and other materials developed throughout the planning process. Finally, this website contains an interactive map that will allow you to identify issues along the project corridor as well as an option to contact the project team directly. Please visit the website often to get up-to-date information on the project or subscribe for regular updates via your in-box.

Project Background

Since 2017, the cities of Fairview, Wood Village, and Troutdale have been working together to create a shared vision for NE Halsey Street as it runs from 201st Avenue to 257th Drive. The Main Streets on Halsey project is a multi-jurisdiction, multi-phase project that seeks to transform the three-mile stretch of NE Halsey Street into a "main street". Thanks to public input, city officials now envision a unified main street marked by pedestrian and bicycle-friendly features, public gathering spaces, new housing, bustling shops and restaurants, pubs, and coffee shops.

The first two phases of the project are now complete. These phases established the vision and principles for the corridor and identified community preferences. Through these efforts there is a sense of what the communities need and what the market will bear, and now it’s time to create detailed design plans for the new NE Halsey Street. This next phase of the Main Streets on Halsey project will engage the community to determine how the corridor looks and functions, in order to create new cross sections and street design plans for the project corridor.

Project Purpose

The Main Streets on Halsey Cross Section and Street Design Plan will build on work conducted under previous phases of the Main Streets on Halsey project to transform the three-mile stretch of NE Haley Street from a busy, nondescript, car-dominated arterial into a vibrant, attractive, pedestrian and bicycle-friendly “main street”. The plan will revise Multnomah County’s street cross section and develop ten percent (10%) design plans for the project corridor. The plan will include new cross sections and street design plans that reflect the unique charter of each community while providing continuity along the project corridor.

Project Objectives

The Main Streets on Halsey Cross Section and Street Design Plan will be formally adopted by the cities of Fairview, Wood Village, and Troutdale and Multnomah County. The plan will:

Project Area

The Project Area includes the segment of NE Halsey Street from 201st Avenue to 257th Drive. This segment encompasses portions of the Fairview, Wood Village, and Troutdale Town Centers, which include schools, parks, churches, civic buildings, numerous commercial businesses, and residential neighborhoods. The Project Area will include all properties adjacent to NE Halsey Street and the connections from the road to other transportation facilities and services.

NE Halsey Street from 201st Avenue to 257th Drive

Opportunities to Get Involved

The project team will be holding three Public Events to provide the community with an opportunity to participate in the design process and to gather their feedback. To receive updates on upcoming events and to review project materials as they become available, please subscribe HERE.