Curry County Transportation System Plan
Welcome to the project website for the Curry County Transportation System Plan (TSP) Update!
Photo Credit (Left to Right): AAA; Bureau of Land Management; Flickr; KMTR; Travel Oregon
What is a TSP?
A Transportation System Plan is a long-range planning document for Curry County, shaped by community input and adopted into the Comprehensive Plan, that describes the County's transportation system and details projects, programs, and policies to meet transportation needs now and in the future. This long-range planning document helps the County improve and expand its transportation system to support existing users and future growth.
What will the TSP accomplish?
The primary purpose of the updated TSP is to provide a safe, efficient, well-connected multi-modal transportation network, based on the needs of existing and planned land uses. Additional goals of an updated TSP for the County include the following:
- Determine a prioritized list of needed transportation facilities considering likely future revenues;
- Identify safety hotspots and systematic projects;
- Identify Transportation System Management and Transportation Demand Management techniques and measures;
- Preserve the function and capacity of State of Oregon (“State”) transportation facilities;
- Develop robust bicycle, pedestrian, and transit elements to make the updated TSP a true multi-modal plan and to serve the County’s diverse transportation needs;
- Develop a 20-year transportation system in conjunction with the funding and financing strategies for transportation facilities.
- Develop implementation policies and ordinances which support a safe, convenient, and economical transportation system for all modes;
- Ensure the updated TSP is consistent with applicable laws and adopted plans, including the Transportation Planning Rules (“TRP”), Oregon Transportation Plan (“OTP”), and Oregon Highway Plan (“OHP”).
Your perspectives and input are an important element of this update.
Does Curry County currently have a TSP?
The current Curry County TSP was adopted in 2005. Since that time, there has been a growing need to:
- Serve the increase in vehicular travel along US 101;
- Safely facilitate freight movement that supports economic activity in the region;
- Improve multimodal safety and connections among the County's community destinations;
- Improve transportation services for disadvantaged populations; and
- Reduce greenhouse gas emissions and improve resiliency in the County's transportation system.
Changes in state, regional, and local plans and regulations have also occurred. This project will update the current TSP to reflect the changes that have occurred since 2005 and anticipate the changes that will take place over the next 20 years.
Opportunities to be Involved
The project team will be holding two in-person Public Meetings and two Virtual Events to give you an opportunity to participate in the TSP Update process and give your input. The first event took place this past March (2023) and presented findings from evaluating the County's current transportation system. The technical documents presented at the first round of public outreach and a summary of the event are provided on the Project Documents page. The second Public Meeting and Virtual Event is tentatively planned for Fall 2023 and will present the preferred alternatives to the transportation needs identified through technical analyses and community input. Be sure to attend!
To receive updates on upcoming events and to review project materials as they become available, please subscribe HERE.