Ash Street Corridor Study

The Goldsboro Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) is leading a study of the Ash Street (US 70 Business) corridor from George Street to Berkeley Boulevard to improve multimodal safety and access. Several alternative concepts for the corridor will be developed to improve access management, address traffic safety issues, and enhance pedestrian, bicycle, and transit level of service. The study kicked off in March 2022 and concluded with the final report, adopted in March 2023.

The primary focus of the study is to develop a comprehensive access management plan that will improve traffic safety and increase pedestrian comfort and safety along the corridor.

The project team held the first public meeting in June 2022, where they presented the existing conditions assessment and gathered feedback and public concerns about the corridor. The second public meeting was held in October 2022, at which the project team presented several multimodal alternatives for public review and feedback. Then the team selected a preferred alternative based on feedback from public and stakeholders.