About the Study

The City of Stockton received a Systemic Safety Analysis Report Program (SSARP) grant from Caltrans. This grant program was established by Caltrans to help local agencies identify priority locations for safety projects that are eligible for safety improvement funding consideration. The SSARP grant allows agencies to evaluate their roadway networks with a focus on identifying those safety projects that are most likely to provide meaningful crash reductions within the community.

The SSAR can form the foundation for the City to develop a vision and goals for improving roadway safety and engaging with local stakeholders to identify and prepare projects that can be competitive for upcoming Caltrans' Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP) funding. The City is using the SSARP grant to establish a Local Road Safety Plan as well.

The City's study will result in the Stockton Systemic Local Road Safety Plan that outlines key trends and patterns, priority locations for potential projects, and recommendations for developing an on-going local road safety management process for the City.

The six stages of the project are described below:

1) Gain a clear understanding of recurring crash patterns and trends across the city,

2) Establish a vision and goals related to improving local road safety,

3) Identify roadway and land use characteristics associated with increased crash risk,

4) Identify and prioritize countermeasures that can be implemented systemically to help reduce crash risk across the city,

5) Work with key partners, (e.g. Stockton Police Department, San Joaquin County Public Health Services, Caltrans, etc.) and community stakeholders to identify enforcement, education, and emergency service strategies that can complement engineering projects to further improve local road safety, and

6) Develop safety projects that are feasible to implement and competitive for grant funding.