Riverside Franklin Pedestrian and Bicycling Infrastructure

The City of Bend has been awarded a grant by the Oregon Department of Transportation's (ODOT) Bicycling and Pedestrian Program to help fund the Riverside/Franklin Pedestrian and Bicycling Infrastructure Project. The purpose of the ODOT grant was to fund showcase projects that will advance state-of-the-art multimodal transportation safety and increase the percentage of people walking and biking within the corridor. The Riverside/Franklin corridor was chosen because of its location in the community, its use of buffered bike lanes, and its intent to seemlessly integrate multimodal facilities. For more information about the ODOT grant and why it is a good fit for this project, please review the City's grant application presentation.

The City of Bend, with the help of a consultant team and input from a wide range of stakeholders, intends to enhance the multimodal aspects of the corridor through the addition of curb extensions, improved lighting and landscaping that unites the park and the neighborhood, buffered bike facilities, and shared arrow lane markings. The City also intends to reconfigure the Riverside Boulevard/Tumalo Road intersection to better provide for the primary movements through the intersection.