There are no currently planned meetings

Information will be posted soon. In the interim, subscribe via email so we can let you know as soon as we update the website.

Past Meetings

Open House #3

Wednesday, March 29th, 2023 from 7:00 to 9:00 PM

Winston Community Center
440 SE Grape Ave
Winston, OR

This third and final Open House will present the Draft Transportation System Plan (TSP) Update goals and recommended projects and potential funding sources to help with their implementation. The Draft TSP Update and presentation slides summarizing this information are available on the Project Documents page.

For those wishing to participate virtually, an online survey presenting the same information from the Open House is available HERE.

Following the Open House, the project team will gather public input, implement revisions to the Draft TSP Update, and present it to the Planning Commission and City Council this spring to consider for adoption.

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Project Advisory Committee (PAC) Meeting #4

Wednesday, March 29th, 2023 from 3:00 to 5:00 PM

Winston Community Center
440 SE Grape Ave
Winston, OR

This fourth and final PAC meeting will present the Draft Transportation System (TSP) Plan Update and its recommended transportation projects as well as Draft Tech Memo #10: Amendments and Implementation Measures. These draft documents and presentation slides summarizing this information are available on the Project Documents page. Following the meeting, the project team will gather feedback from the PAC on these two documents proposed transportation solutions, implement revisions, and present the Draft TSP Update to the Planning Commission and City Council this spring to consider for adoption.

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Open House #2

Tuesday, September 20th, 2022 from 7:00 to 9:00 PM

Winston Community Center
440 SE Grape Ave
Winston, OR

This second Open House will present the draft transportation projects that address identified needs and the estimated future revenue available to fund transportation projects that get incorporated into the TSP Update. Technical memos summarizing this information are available on the Project Documents page.

For those wishing to participate virtually, an online survey presenting the same information from the Open House is available HERE.

Following the Open House, the project team will gather public input and apply it to developing a list of preferred projects and developing the Draft TSP to be presented in early 2023.

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Project Advisory Committee (PAC) Meeting #3

Tuesday, September 20th, 2022 from 1:00 to 3:00 PM

Winston Community Center
440 SE Grape Ave
Winston, OR

This third PAC meeting will present the draft transportation projects that address identified needs and estimated future revenue to fund transportation projects that get incorporated into the TSP Update. Technical memos and presentation slides summarizing this information are available on the Project Documents page. Following the meeting, the project team will gather feedback from the PAC on the proposed transportation solutions and apply it to developing a list of preferred projects and developing the Draft TSP to be presented in early 2023.

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Open House #1

Wednesday, September 29th, 2021 at 7:00

Winston Community Center
440 SE Grape Ave
Winston, OR

This first Open House will introduce the Winston TSP Update, present the draft goals being proposed for the project, and gather feedback from the public on the transportation needs they see in the community.

These informational boards will be displayed at the in-person meeting:

Project Information
TSP Goals
Next Steps

For those wishing to participate virtually, visit THIS PAGE to add your comments to an online map of Winston.

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Project Advisory Committee (PAC) Meeting #1

Wednesday, September 29th, 2021 from 1:00 to 3:00 PM

Winston Community Center
440 SE Grape Ave
Winston, OR

This first PAC meeting will introduce the PAC to the project including its purpose, study area, and schedule. The draft goals and objectives being proposed for the Winston TSP will be presented to get feedback from the PAC. The project team will also gather input from the PAC about the transportation needs they see in Winston.

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